Thursday, September 12, 2013

At the mall

It’s finally Saturday, my parents and I are at the mall in Fez to buy some needs. We are at the main gate; many people are coming and going, and not like usual, they are moving fast since it is cold. In front of me there are a bunch of friends eating at the restaurant, sharing a pizza while they are laughing at the jokes they are telling. In the sports store there’s a teenage girl wearing a blue hoodie and jeans and has black curly hair searching maybe for new sneakers. Something happened really had my attention:  On one side there is a little kid enjoying his ice-cream, playing with balloons and that big cute smile on his face just makes him look so happy. On the other side, just in front of him, there’s another little boy whom you can see his tears and hear his loud cry from far away because he wants ice-cream too, but his mother is beating him instead. At this moment while no one’s making any reaction towards neither the kid to calm him down nor the mother to stop her, that first little boy just came at him, gave him his ice-cream, smiled at him and walked away. It is really wonderful to see how a little innocent act from someone, even if it’s just a kid, can cheer us up without even noticing.  


  1. I can't believe no one commented on this! It was one of my favorites.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. well done Tasnime :) I hope that everyone could share what they have with those who don't
